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You can’t come to training at the moment, but want to stay fit?

Then our online trainings are perfect for you! You can choose from different training styles depending on which aspects you want to focus on – at home, outdoors, with or without equipment.

The perfect complement to regular Krav Maga training

Sometimes you just can’t bring yourself to go to training or you have a schedule that throws a spanner in the works. Now you can still do something for your body and your Krav Maga progress through online training. Or do you want to continue working on certain points alone at home after a training session? That is also possible.

Targeted Fitness Training for Krav Maga

As in all disciplines, certain fitness aspects are particularly important in Krav Maga: whether specific training of explosiveness and mobility for the fastest possible movements or isometric exercises for muscle building and stability. We create a wide range of workout options that specifically improve your Krav Maga skills.

Something for everyone

Our videos are designed so that everyone can work with them – regardless of individual conditions. We always provide you with tips and alternatives to make the training easier or more challenging depending on your needs.

We are happy to advise you

In order to find the best fitness courses for you, we will be happy to conduct a consultation with you to define your individual goals. We will be happy to create a customised training plan for you. Write to us or call us – we look forward to meeting you!

More than just online training

The advantages of our online training are obvious: You can train anywhere and at any time and are independent of time.